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My Commitment to Regular Posting

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Greetings friends,

Since setting up this blog site, I have been consumed with ending my Interim Ministry position with The Park Church, Elmira, and beginning to reinvent my life. My last post was in April 2010.

Little by little I am identifying the specific commitments that are required for me to move ahead. (I am expanding my Pastoral Counseling practice, too, but I won’t deal with that here – just the parts of my life that are related to marketing “Community of Promise” and preparing to write another novel.)

I commit myself to writing in this blog once a week. I found with my previous blog ( that if I succumbed to the temptation publish posts more than once a week then I would also be tempted to write less frequently at other times. Once a week seems to be a realistic commitment. I plan to publish on Wednesday mornings and will write that into my schedule.

Some of what I write will be updates on the process, but I will also write about issues raised in “Community of Promise.” So, if you have questions or issues that you would like me to address or that you would like to start a conversation about, use the comments feature below to begin.

For now, suffice it to say that I have sold 206 copies of the book.

Wayne Gustafson
“The Promised Land is within and among us.”

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